The Most Spectacular Brand Extension Failures

A whimsical stroll through the graveyard of history’s most spectacular brand extension failures.


Product Description

Take a whimsical stroll through the graveyard of history’s most spectacular brand extension failures, from Colgate Frozen Dinners to Harley Davidson perfume.

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With 35 case studies all in one place you’ll save hours of searching on Google and get a better understanding of licensing strategies and the way brands in other industries have succeeded.


This guide will help you understand brand licensing better, as well as address why companies license brands. We will also take you through the process of how to determine the license-ability of a brand, expectations of licensors and licensees, the brand licensing process and the royalty payment flow.


A brand strategy serves as the foundation for your product, your business, and your story. Without a foundation, one opportunity becomes indistinguishable from the next. This means that every opportunity must be pursued.