Expand. Grow. Thrive. (Audio Version)
With just 5 questions, this book can, with an 80% accuracy rate, tell you which of your brands has the greatest potential to expand. The book combines science (the LASSO algorithm) with personal anecdotes from rockstar CEOs who overcame every conceivable roadblock to create five-star brand extensions. The result? A compelling view of brand expansion techniques no brand steward should miss.

Product Description
This is the audiobook of Expand, Grow, Thrive: 5 Proven Steps to Turn Good Brands Into Global Brands Through the Lasso Method. To purchase the hardcover version, please visit Amazon.
How did the licensing industry originate and grow to be a $300 billion global industry? And how are the best-in-class brands today utilizing licensing to enhance their consumers’ brand experience?
Using powerful storytelling and unique access to the personal perspectives of top-flight marketers who have developed truly world-class business growth programs, I show how successful marketers have extended and expanded their brands and the challenges they have had to overcome along the way.
I co-created, with Mark Di Somma, LASSO, a multifaceted model that offers simple, accessible and effective ways for marketers to get their heads around the desired attributes of highly successful growth programs. Utilizing 5 proven steps and a dynamic algorithm, marketers can measure whether their brands are under- or optimally expanded, empowering them to take decisive action.
With insightful advice, anecdotes and tips from leading brand licensing professionals, senior marketers and inspiring individuals covering household names like Coca-Cola and Disney, Expand, Grow, Thrive offers a measured and proven “Think Big, Get Big” framework to truly help your brand first expand, then grow successfully, and ultimately thrive.
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