Breakthrough Licensing for Licensors

It is the licensor’s responsibility to ensure that they provide the licensee with the information they need to be successful. With over 30 years in the business, I can tell you that conducting a formal orientation with a particular emphasis on the approval process is critical to the success of a long-lasting licensing program.


Product Description

You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint yet every year I see brand extensions built without one. There are significant pitfalls to licensing and if you don’t develop a plan to address all of them you are doomed to failure.

That’s why I created Breakthrough Licensing for Licensors. It’s a blueprint for brand managers to make sure the foundation of the “home” they want to build is sound and that every “room” they build adds value.

Before I show you some thoughtful product line extension strategies, let’s talk about the pitfalls of brand licensing that even some of the largest brands have ignored to their peril.

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A brand strategy serves as the foundation for your product, your business, and your story. Without a foundation, one opportunity becomes indistinguishable from the next. This means that every opportunity must be pursued.


Learn the pros and cons of brand licensing, make smarter decisions about growth, get a framework to help you decide if licensing is right for you and get an actionable plan from a brand licensing thought leader.


This guide will help you understand brand licensing better, as well as address why companies license brands. We will also take you through the process of how to determine the license-ability of a brand, expectations of licensors and licensees, the brand licensing process and the royalty payment flow.