Brand Licensing Agreement Templates
Fill-in-the-blank templates modeled after Coca-Cola and Newell-Rubbermaid’s standard licensing contracts. Includes guide with call-outs explaining the meaning and benefits of each contract clause.

Product Description
Speed Up The Process.
Save Legal Fees.
Use My Fill-in-the-blank Sample Contracts To Help Your Negotiations
You’re the owner of a brand or intellectual property (IP). You’ve identified viable licensees to manufacture and market your products. You’re in serious discussions with one or more firms. How do you make sure you negotiate a favorable contract?
Use a product licensing agreement template that helps you know what to ask for, what to negotiate and how to put it in understandable language.
The definitions, requirements and terms stipulated in a licensing contract are critically important negotiation points. Using a robust brand licensing agreement template, like the one we offer, can help you set the framework for discussions with licensees.
Licensing Contract Templates Used by Fortune 500 Brands
Excellent templates–like ours which are modeled after Fortune 500 brand owners–can give you a striking edge by providing clause-by-clause examples of advantageous positions.
In addition, you can save thousands in legal fees. Yes, you’ll use attorneys to review the final contract but why involve them early on when they can’t really help you?
While attorneys are indispensable in addressing the legal language involved with clauses like reps & warranties and indemnification and infringement they’re probably not going to be familiar enough with licensing agreement terms, including test protocols, authorized channels, approvals and quality controls, to negotiate them properly on your behalf.
You can absolutely use these robust templates as legally binding contracts between two parties –The licensor who owns a copyright, trademark, patent, service mark, trade secret, know-how, or other IP and the Licensee who is receiving a license to use the IP.
Get two Brand License Agreement Templates for the price of one!
Our attorney-drafted Brand License Agreement Template Package includes 2 brand licensing/intellectual property agreements– a shorter, 16-page document for smaller, less complicated contracts and a longer 40-page document for longer more complex agreements. Both are modeled after contracts developed by Newell-Rubbermaid, a leader in brand licensing.
Confused by Contracts? Read My Clause-By-Clause Explanations!
Not familiar with some of the terms and clauses you need to negotiate? No problem. My attorney-drafted Brand License Agreement Template Package includes a 58-page Get Acquainted With An Actual Brand Licensing Agreement eReport with call-outs explaining all the clauses.
Unless you, or someone on your team, has experience in negotiating licensing agreements, you risk possibly catastrophic consequences unless you understand what the clauses mean in standard licensing contracts.
For example, you must understand what items cannot be deducted from net sales. Confusion can create significant, unplanned costs and if caught in an audit, could be subject to penalty. But you won’t have to worry about that with my 58-page Get Acquainted With An Actual Brand Licensing Agreement eReport.
Other books to read

Learn proven negotiation strategies, get industry Deal Term Ranges, extract more concessions from licensees, read sample negotiation dialogues and learn how to get past NO in a negotiation.

With just 5 questions, this book can, with an 80% accuracy rate, tell you which of your brands has the greatest potential to expand. The book combines science (the LASSO algorithm) with personal anecdotes from rockstar CEOs who overcame every conceivable roadblock to create five-star brand extensions. The result? A compelling view of brand expansion techniques no brand steward should miss.

This guide answers just about every question you, as a manufacturer or licensee, might have about finding prospective brands, winning, and profitably running a licensing program.