35 Case Studies Of Brands

With 35 case studies all in one place you’ll save hours of searching on Google and get a better understanding of licensing strategies and the way brands in other industries have succeeded.


Product Description

How Product Licensing Case Studies Can Help You Succeed

Personal experience is the second best way of learning how to extend your brand. The best way is to learn from other people’s experience–it’ll save you a lot of money, time and heartache. That’s why it’s so important to read up on as many brand extension examples as you can—so you don’t repeat the mistakes of brands that got soaked and copy the brands that got stoked.

Successful product licensing examples are harder to come by than one would think. There are plenty in business magazines like Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Fortune but they tend to be skimpy.

Other books to read


With just 5 questions, this book can, with an 80% accuracy rate, tell you which of your brands has the greatest potential to expand. The book combines science (the LASSO algorithm) with personal anecdotes from rockstar CEOs who overcame every conceivable roadblock to create five-star brand extensions. The result? A compelling view of brand expansion techniques no brand steward should miss.


Learn proven negotiation strategies, get industry Deal Term Ranges, extract more concessions from licensees, read sample negotiation dialogues and learn how to get past NO in a negotiation.


A whimsical stroll through the graveyard of history’s most spectacular brand extension failures.